What kind of jobs can you do as a volunteer at COPENHELL
At COPENHELL, as a volunteer, there are numerous jobs both before, during and after the festival.
Before the festival, you are a part of building the hell on earth. For instance, we have a lot of things that needs to be painted (Most times in black of course), fences need to be put up, stages built, food has to be made for the hardworking people and offices needs people in them.
Hell is not built on its own – join us and be a part of the team before the music starts and get time off during the time of the music.
During the festival there is a lot of happy guests, that we need to take care of, and make sure has the best experience at COPENHELL. Amongst other things we have to make sure everybody is safe, no one is hungry or thirsty and keep the site tidy and clean. Concerts needs to be held, people have to be let into the site and so on and so on and so on. None of these things are doable without volunteers.
Therefore, if you want to be a part of giving people a sublime experience at COPENEHELL 2023, you should join one of the great teams, that works during the festival. And do not worry, you will still have plenty of time to enjoy the festival.
When Hell has been torched and burned to the ground, what's left must be gathered! Stages has to be taken down, the site cleared and the screw machines will be set in ”reverse” and everything is wrapped down tightly, so that we can have a new festival in 2024.
If you do not want to miss a single concert, sing-along song in Biergarten or the moshpits in front of Helviti, save a bit of energy and help us take everything a part, gather up everything that needs to be saved, and play a bit of Container-Tetris with the rest of the things that needs reviving the year after.